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Nyhed: Nyt medlem i DAKOFA

23. august 2023
Nyt medlem i DAKOFA
DAKOFA byder ReSource Denmark velkommen.

Af firmaets hjemmeside fremgår følgende:

"In May 2022, Eurazeo and Quantafuel joined forces to establish Denmark’s first large-scale plastic waste sorting facility, ReSource Denmark. The plant will consist of a state-of-the-art high-tech sorting system separating the plastic waste into mono fractions suitable for selling to all types of recycling facilities, including mechanical and chemical recycling. ReSource will have a capacity to receive and treat around 160,000 tons of plastic waste every year.

We are progressing well on ReSource Denmark. The plant will be a key contributor to meet the high recycling ambitions in Denmark, and we are excited to be able to do this in a sustainable manner with strong support from the local community and the municipality of Esbjerg. When operational at the end of 2023, the facility will employ close to 50 full-time employees and be capable of sorting up to 160,000 tonnes of mixed plastic waste annually into recyclable fractions. We are now in pole position to become the market leader in a very attractive part of the value chain."

Du kan læse videre om ReSource Denmark ved at trykke hér.

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