Webinar: Sustainable packaging - what is that?

Sustainable packaging - what is that?
How to choose sustainable packaging and how to manage it in the waste systems?

When it comes to sustainability, a greener household and a more circular economy, the talk often lands on sustainable packaging. In this webinar we will investigate what that can be when aiming for real and right sustainable packaging. We will be looking into the whole value chain for packaging, from possible pre-evaluation and choices of sustainable packaging to end-of-life treatment.

Sustainable packaging is addressed in initiatives in the new Danish National Waste Management Plan and Waste Prevention Program 2020-2032 (Handlingsplan for Cirkulær Økonomi, draft, Dec. 2020). There is an initiative on supporting sustainable packaging in e-commerce under the forthcoming requirement for Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging. This will be done by conducting a global innovation check for innovative packaging and logistics solutions and with a mapping of packaging flows in e-commerce in Denmark. The introduction of the extended producer responsibility for packaging in Denmark, by 2025 at the latest, shall - among other goals - also create a strong financial incentive to reduce packaging and to design packaging easy to recycle in high quality. And finally, a new target will be set up aiming at a 50 % reduction of certain plastic take-away packaging in 2026, which shall be sought to be achieved through a binding collaboration in the restaurant industry. 

Some of these initiatives are part of the Danish implementation of the revised EU Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste. The EU Commission’s “A new Circular Economy Action Plan - For a cleaner and more competitive Europe” (published yr. 2020) also mentions future specific measures to increase the sustainability of food distribution and consumption. Under the sustainable products initiative, the Commission will launch the analytical work to determine the scope of a legislative initiative on reuse to substitute single-use packaging, tableware and cutlery by reusable products in food services. 

This webinar will be looking into the environmental profiles of packaging materials and discuss, how to get behind the numbers and preparing for future decisions on valid background data. Both single-use and reuse will be addressed. 

The presentation and discussion during the webinar will be in English. Comments and questions in Danish will be most welcome and possible support for translation or vocabulary is provided throughout the webinar if needed. We are looking forward to your participation. 

NOTE: Due to corona precautions, it is only possible to participate in the event online via Zoom / YouTube. Link to the webinar will be sent out in a separate email 1-3 working days before the event. Youtube link will be published approx. 30 minutes before the webinar begins. 1-2 days after the webinar, another Youtube link is sent. Via. this link, it will be possible to watch / re-watch the webinar for a period of 14 days. 



Welcome and introduction
Anders Gideon, Københavns Kommune
Anders Gideon
Anders er specialist i kommunal affaldshåndtering og -planlægning og er netværksfacilitator for DAKOFAs netværk for kommunale anliggender. Han er også DAKOFAs ekspert i plast og øvrige emballager, herunder håndtering, behandling og afsætning. Anders har tidligere været ansat i bl.a. Tårnby Kommune som affaldsplanlægger og er uddannet biolog fra Københavns Universitet.
Morten Carlsbæk, Dakofa
Morten Carlsbæk
Morten Carlsbæk
Morten har mere end 25 års erfaring med affaldshåndtering, R&D og lovgivning fra både private og offentlige ansættelser i Danmark og samarbejder med andre lande. Han er netværksfacilitator for DAKOFAs netværk for energi & klima og for netværk for bio- og slambehandling og har specialistviden inden for biologisk affaldsbehandling. Han har bl.a. arbejdet i det tidligere Forskningscenter for Skov & Landskab, i Solum Gruppen samt i Miljøstyrelsens enhed for Jord og affald, hvor han arbejdede med WEEE, miljøteknologi og -eksport samt organisk affald. Morten er uddannet cand. hort. fra KVL.
What is sustainable packaging - suggested approaches for pre-evaluation and choices
Joe Papineschi, Eunomia, UK
Joe Papineschi
Joe Papineschi
Eunomia, UK
Joe Papineschi has been Director of circular economy policy, strategy and operations consultancy Eunomia Research & Consulting since 2002. Eunomia has been at the forefront of supporting the EU’s drive towards a more circular economy in both policy development and implementation, including the key projects on recycling targets, measurement of recycling, extended producer responsibility, marine plastics pollution and microplastics.

Joe has spent over 25 years applying the resource management hierarchy to global challenges such as climate change, plastic pollution and sustainable communities through working at local, national and international level. He has an in depth knowledge of waste management and resource efficiency policy, coupled with many years of practical work with cities, municipalities, businesses and social enterprises to implement policies on the ground and drive materials away from disposal and into reuse and recycling.

He is Eunomia’s senior specialist in municipal waste management, cross-sectoral partnership working, green procurement, waste management logistics and recycling technology, with wide-ranging knowledge and experience, from vehicle design to EPR to global secondary materials markets.

Brands, retailers and packaging companies are increasingly using the term ‘sustainable packaging’ – most often to refer to their own products! Claims that one packaging format is ‘more sustainable’ than another are often made. But what does ‘sustainable packaging’ actually mean? The reality at the moment is undefined and open to wide interpretation. An overview of Eunomia’s thinking on this topic and how to apply this in the real world may help. 

Q & A
Environmental profiles of packaging materials – Data choices for production and end of life

Technical University of Denmark

Different production scenario options, combined with subsequent waste handling paths, are evaluated in a new project. Preliminary conclusions and data from the project will be presented.

Q & A
Recommendations for supermarkets on sustainable packaging
Simon Hann, Eunomia
Simon Hann

How to make choices on sustainable packaging in real life – and in large scale. Findings from a recent, large project for a British multinational groceries and general retailer (in partnership with a global NGO) are presented. 

Q & A
From single-use to reuse - packaging in transportation, takeaway and for personal care and housekeeping products

An overview and framework examples from DN’s, The Danish Society for Nature Conservation’s recent publication “From single-use packaging to reuse. The way for Denmark to be become leading in circular economy models” (Fra engangsemballage til genbrug. Sådan bliver Danmark førende indenfor cirkulære forretningsmodeller) are presented by a consultant behind the report. 

Q & A

By the webinar’s speakers and the participants

Wrap-up of the webinar
Anders Gideon, Københavns Kommune
Anders Gideon
Anders er specialist i kommunal affaldshåndtering og -planlægning og er netværksfacilitator for DAKOFAs netværk for kommunale anliggender. Han er også DAKOFAs ekspert i plast og øvrige emballager, herunder håndtering, behandling og afsætning. Anders har tidligere været ansat i bl.a. Tårnby Kommune som affaldsplanlægger og er uddannet biolog fra Københavns Universitet.
Morten Carlsbæk, Dakofa
Morten Carlsbæk
Morten Carlsbæk
Morten har mere end 25 års erfaring med affaldshåndtering, R&D og lovgivning fra både private og offentlige ansættelser i Danmark og samarbejder med andre lande. Han er netværksfacilitator for DAKOFAs netværk for energi & klima og for netværk for bio- og slambehandling og har specialistviden inden for biologisk affaldsbehandling. Han har bl.a. arbejdet i det tidligere Forskningscenter for Skov & Landskab, i Solum Gruppen samt i Miljøstyrelsens enhed for Jord og affald, hvor han arbejdede med WEEE, miljøteknologi og -eksport samt organisk affald. Morten er uddannet cand. hort. fra KVL.
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09. juni 2021
kl. 12.30 - 15.30


Online via. Zoom/Youtube


Pris medlemmer, ekskl. moms
DKK 950,00
Pris ikke-medlemmer, ekskl. moms
DKK 1.450,00
Studerende, ekskl. moms
DKK 550,00


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