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Tilmelding er bindende fra og med 8 dage inden arrangementets afholdelse. DAKOFA forbeholder sig ret til at aflyse med samme varsel uden ansvar for eventuelle følgeomkostninger for de på dette tidspunkt tilmeldte.


Baltic Waste Managment

Hamborg Universitet afholder Baltic Waste Management seminar - som en del af det Danske EU formandskab d. 7. maj 2012,

Seminaret er gratis at deltage i og registrering og alle spørgsmål skal rettes direkte til Hamborg Universitet.

Seminaret vil blive afholdt på engelsk.

Waste management is one of the key areas in cities and regions across the Baltic Sea. There are many innovative approaches to prevent, recycle and re-use waste, but these are seldom discussed in a transnational way. This seminar organized by the Baltic Sea Region Programme project “RECO Baltic 21 Tech” will provide a good opportunity to showcase projects, approaches and methods in waste management in the Baltic Sea Region. The event is held as part of the Danish EU Presidency.

The aims of the seminar Baltic Waste Management Seminar are:

• To present innovative approaches to prevent, recycle and re-use waste used in Baltic countries.
• To showcase projects, approaches and methods in waste management in the Baltic Sea region.
• To foster networking among the actors across the Baltic Sea region.

Target groups
The Seminar Baltic Waste Management Seminar will be of special interest to:
• Representatives from public administrations and local municipalities
• Companies involved in waste collection, transportation and treatment
• Suppliers of waste management technologies
• Consulting companies
• Banks, funding bodies and financial institutions

Due to the nature of the event and its scope, it will also be interesting to education and research institutions working in the field of waste management.

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